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Pastora cristiana abandonó su fe para entrar a OnlyFans

La mujer ahora es bailarina erótica y reconoció su bisexualidad.

Lunes, Septiembre 28, 2020 - 15:49
Pastora cristiana abandonó su fe para entrar a OnlyFans
Pastora cristiana abandonó su fe para entrar a OnlyFans

Nikole Mitchell era una pastora cristiana que había dedicado su vida a los asuntos de la fe, el mundo espiritual, el ayuno y la vida de servicio, pero terminó dejando todo eso atrás para entrar a OlyFans y comenzar una vida como bailarina erótica.


Your belief in the unseen is more powerful than anything that can be seen. . Full stop. . If you can see it in your mind and feel it in your bones, it has no choice but to show up in the physical realm. . This is how you change your life. This is how you manifest any reality you desire. . It starts with you believing in a reality that can't yet be seen in physical form but is real and alive in your heart and soul. . Everything that exists first began as a thought. And thoughts are always creating form. . So if you have thoughts of living a certain lifestyle, having a certain kind of impact, making a certain amount of money, etc., then those thoughts WILL CREATE FORM. . It's your job to see it in your mind, feel it in your heart, and hold the vision until it becomes true! . THIS is how your reality is created. THIS is how your dreams come true. . You keep believing UNTIL... You keep dreaming UNTIL... You keep showing up UNTIL... . IT BECOMES TRUE. . People who complain that their dreams didn't come true tend to be the ones who gave up on themselves and their dreams. . How can your dreams come true if you give up on them? . This is why I'm always saying don't give UP on your dreams, give IN to them. . Believe in them. Believe in yourself. Believe in the Universe who's conspiring for you. . And it's only a matter of time before they manifest. . Let me know below what dreams you're believing in UNTIL they come true. Not IF they come true, but WHEN they come true, and I will hold those dreams with you! . (P.S. This photo reminds me of my cheerleader days.??) . ?: @trudgephoto

Una publicación compartida por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) el


Mitchell, "que se siente más feliz que nunca", causó un cataclismo en el mundo de la fe por su atrevida irreverencia, pues tras predicar una moral y una rectitud durante años, terminó por caer en todo eso que la biblia condena y su vida dio un giro de 180 grados.

Lea también: Mujer destrozó una tienda porque le pidieron respetar normas de bioseguridad 

Según reveló New York Post, la joven siempre había querido ser bailarina erótica pero la presión de su familia la llevó a creer que su única opción en la vida era el liderazgo cristiano.


That feeling when Jimmy Kimmel slides into your mailbox??? (swipe to see) There are moments in our rising where we are given confirmation that we are on the right path and that what we seek is seeking us. REMEMBER THESE MOMENTS. They are the guideposts on your journey. They are the wells to drink from. They are the manna, the miracles, the moments that feed you, fuel you, and propel you forward. And it’s worth celebrating! You manifested that shit! You called that in! You believed and you received! And celebrating it won’t have it taken away. Your celebration multiplies it! More opportunities! More money! More love! More of everything you want! It gets to get better and better because there’s how it was always meant to be! If you’re ready to receive everything that is meant for you and receive it much sooner than you think, Rise and Release is for you. We start next week so sign up in my bio! I would love to support you on your journey and help you become everything you’re meant to be! Love you and here for you! . ?: @wesfoto_vegas

Una publicación compartida por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) el


Sin embargo, en el 2016 empezó a darse cuenta de que no era heterosexual. Esa inclinación de siempre que la perseguía desde niña y que la incitaba a "pecar" como si fuera su verdadera naturaleza la llevó a que en 2017 se alejara de la religión y empezara a posar desnuda, bailar con poca ropa y cobrar por mostrar los atributos de su cuerpo, que siempre fueron ocultados como si fuera una vergüenza.


Eden was invited to go surfing today with her friend which meant I needed to get her a wetsuit. I went to 2 stores yesterday, called a 3rd store, looked on fb marketplace, and couldn't find one that (a) fit her well and (b) was at a price that felt good to me. . I came home exhausted from the search yesterday and literally fell asleep at 830pm on the couch. . Then Mercy comes home from a playdate she was at and what does she bring home with her? . 2 wetsuits that her friend's mom gave to her unexpectedly and for free! . One of which fits Eden beautifully and the other a perfect fit for Mercy! . Because OF COURSE. . This is the art of manifestation. . You get clear on what you want, you do what you know how to do, and you surrender the rest to the Universe. . And boom! . Getting what you want is so much easier than you think. . I am feeling so inspired and delighted by this latest manifestation, I'm opening enrollment for TWO PEOPLE (in honor of these 2 wetsuits ?) for my digital course Master the Art of Manifestation.? . Snag your spot at the link in my bio!! . Let's turn this month of love into a month of manifestation magic and miracles for YOUR life! . (Swipe to see the wetsuits!) . (And how about this photo???) . ?: @wsierraphotography

Una publicación compartida por Nikole Mitchell (@mitchellnikole) el

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